Concepts and Cases in Nonunion Treatment

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Table of Contents

1 Principles
1.1 Evolution of treatment of nonunions
1.2 Basic science aspects
1.2.1 Normal and impaired fracture healing
1.2.2 Pathogenesis and treatment of impaired fracture healing
1.2.3 Emerging treatments for fractures and nonunions—growth factors and beyond
1.2.4 Nonunion and the application of platelet-leukocyte gel (PLG) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)
1.3 Nonoperative treatment
1.3.1 Pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of nonunions—the Dutch experience
1.3.2 Ultrasound in osteotomies and nonunions—basic research
1.4 Bone graft
1.4.1 The role of decortication in the treatment of nonunions
1.4.2 Autogenous bone grafting in the treatment of nonunions
1.4.3 Open cancellous bone graft
1.4.4 Bone-graft substitutes
1.4.5 Induced membranes—summary
1.5 Infected nonunions
2 Cases
2.1 Clavicle
2.2 Humerus, proximal
2.3 Humerus, shaft
2.4 Humerus, distal
2.5 Forearm
2.6 Pelvis/acetabulum
2.7 Femur, neck
2.8 Femur, proximal/intertrochanteric
2.9 Femur, proximal/subtrochanteric
2.10 Femur, shaft
2.11 Femur, distal
2.12 Tibia, proximal
2.13 Tibia, shaft
2.14 Tibia, distal/pilon
2.15 Ankle
2.16 Foot

About the Author

Director Orthopaedic Trauma, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands


This is an important contribution to both the orthopedic and traumatology communities... The authors are to be commended for the careful attention to detail apparent in each chapter.--Doody's

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