Comparing Husserl’s Phenomenology and Chinese Yogacara in a Multicultural World


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Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations & A Note on Usage and Conventions Prologue Part I: The Journey 1. Overcoming Orientalism with Multiculturalism 2. Contextualizing Chinese Yogacara 3. Contextualizing Husserl’s Phenomenology Part II: The Road 4. Intentionality in Husserl’s Phenomenology 5. Intentionality in Chinese Yogacara 6. Intentionality and Non-Conceptualism Part III: The Tracks 7. Essence in Husserl’s Phenomenology 8. Essence in Chinese Yogacara 9. Essence in Comparative Philosophy Part IV: The Destination 10. The Gate of Practice 11. The Path towards Awakening 12. Revisiting the Process of Awakening Epilogue Bibliography Index

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Brings Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology and Chinese Yogacara Buddhism into dialogue to explore their perceived incommensurable stances towards the concept of essence.

About the Author

Jingjing Li is Assistant Professor of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy at the Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University, the Netherlands.


This book is an impressive and ambitious piece of scholarship in the field of intercultural comparative philosophy. Through the central problem of essence and the organizational metaphor of a journey, Jingjing Li engages two forms of phenomenology formulated by Husserl and Chinese Yogacara Buddhists, both of which are immensely complex. Li skillfully maintains the distinctiveness of the two philosophical projects in their own contexts while revealing their shared visions about the human mind in the course of her intercultural investigation. The book is methodologically sophisticated and philosophically substantive. It is a major contribution to the comparative study of Husserlian phenomenology and Yogacara Buddhist philosophy.
*Tao Jiang, Chair of Religion Department and Director of Center for Chinese Studies, Rutgers University, USA*

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