Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Sport and Performance


Product Description
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Table of Contents

Section I: Background

1. Introducing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

2. CBT Training, Supervision, and Delivery

Section II: Getting Started with CBT

3. CBT in the Field: Getting Started

4. The Therapeutic Relationship and the First Session

5. Assessment and Formulation

6. Measurement in CBT

7. Interventions

Section III: Reflecting and Enhancing Practice

8. Education Issues

9. Evaluation and Transition to Client Self-help

10. Troubleshooting

About the Author

Paul McCarthy, PhD, leads the taught doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK. He is a BPS chartered psychologist and a HCPC-registered sport and exercise psychologist.

Sahen Gupta is a Lecturer in Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology at the University of Portsmouth, UK. He is nearing completion of his Doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychology and his Chartered status with BPS and HCPC (April 2023). He focuses on CBT, resilience, and athlete development for mental health and high performance. He is the Founder of Discovery Sport and Performance Lab, working to implement sport psychology across multiple countries and cultures.

Lindsey Burns, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Herriot Watt University, UK. Lindsey is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a HCPC practitioner health psychologist.

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