Calculation Skills for Nurses 2e


Product Description
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Table of Contents

Preface vii

Introduction ix

Acknowledgements xiii

Latin Abbreviations xv

The 24-Hour Clock xvii

Part 1: Diagnosis 1

1 Calculations Self-Assessment 3

2 Calculations Revision 9

3 Metric Units and Conversions 33

Part 2: Understanding Nursing Calculations 43

4 Tablets and Capsules 45

5 Liquids and Injectables 53

6 Syringes and Meniscus 63

7 Displacement Values 75

8 Dosages According To Body Weight 81

9 Drip Rates and Drip-Rate Durations 87

10 Syringe Drivers and Pumps 97

11 Paediatric Nursing 107

Part 3: Putting it All Into Practice 119

12 Fluid Charts 121

13 Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (Must) Assessment 127

14 National Early Warning Score (News 2) Assessment 131

15 Waterlow Assessment 141

16 Prescription Charts 147

17 Looking At Budgets 155

18 Interpreting Data 161

19 Employment Services – Sample Test Questions 173

20 Body Mass Index 185

Part 4: Testing Your Knowledge 191

21 Knowledge Tests 193

Answers To Activity Questions 205

Part 5: Appendices 225

Appendix 1: Fluid Chart 227

Appendix 2: Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool 229

Appendix 3: National Early Warning Score (News 2)

Observation Chart 237

Appendix 4: Waterlow Pressure Ulcer Prevention/Treatment Policy 239

Appendix 5: Conversion Tables 241

Index 245

About the Author

Claire Boyd was Practice Development Trainer in the Learning and Research Centre at North Bristol Healthcare Trust. She develops, designs, delivers and evaluates learning programmes, and organises the transition training program for student nurses and support of these nurses in clinical areas.

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