The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains


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Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables Foreword Notes on the Contributors Acknowledgements The Bullwhip Effect: Reflections; H.L.Lee, V. Padmanbhan & S.Whang PART ONE: CAUSES OF THE BULLWHIP EFFECT Operational and Behavioral Causes of Supply Chain Instability; J.D.Sterman The Bullwhip Effect: A Review of Field Studies; H.L.Lee & S.Whang Supply Chain Dynamics: Structural Causes of the Bullwhip Effect; F.A.Villegas Moràn & P.Barrar PART TWO: CONTROLLING THE BULLWHIP EFFECT Controlling Replenishment Rule Induced Bullwhip via Good Systems Design; S.M.Disney & D.R.Towill Bullwhip Reduction Paradigms; D.R.Towill, M.M.Naim & P.McCullen Taming the Bullwhip Effect: From Traffic to Supply Chains; Y.Ouyang, A.Lago & C.F.Daganzo Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect with ICTs; J.A.D.Machuca & R.del Pozo Barajas PART THREE: MEASURING THE BULLWHIP EFFECT AND CASE STUDIES SIMCAS: A Network Improved Version of the Beer Game via the Internet; J.A.D. Machuca & R.del Pozo Barajas Cross Border Logistics and Sourcing: A Methodology to Analyze Planning Policies; O.A.Carranza Torres & F.A.Villegas Moràn Managing the Bullwhip Effect through Benchmarking; O.A.Carranza Torres & F.A.Villegas Moràn Index

About the Author

OCTAVIO A. CARRANZA TORRES is Professor of Logistics and Operations Management at the Panamerican University School of Business and Economics, Mexico. He is the 2005 winner of the National Logistics Prize of M?xico, an award that is given by 11 professional associations and institutions. He has taught courses on Logistics and Operations Management in several institutions including Tec de Monterrey in Mexico, Texas A&M and Arizona State University in the USA, Universidad de San Andr?s in Argentina and Universidad de Navarra in Spain. He has published several papers in refereed journals such as

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