Black Reconstruction in America


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Table of Contents

Introduction to the Transaction Edition
To the Reader
I. The Black Worker
II. The White Worker
III. The Planter
IV. The General Strike
V. The Coming of the Lord
VI. Looking Backward
VII. Looking Forward
VIII. Transubstantiation of a Poor White
IX. The Price of Disaster
X. The Black Proletariat in South Carolina
XI. The Black Proletariat in Mississippi and Louisiana
XII. The White Proletariat in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida
XIII. The Duel for Labor Control on Border and Frontier
XIV. Counter-Revolution of Property
XV. Founding the Public School
Black Reconstruction in America
XVI. Back Toward Slavery
XVII. The Propaganda of History

About the Author

W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963) was the cofounder of the NAACP. He was educated at the University of Berlin and Harvard University, and he was the first African American to receive a PhD from Harvard. He taught at Wilberforce University in Ohio, the University of Pennsylvania, and Clark Atlanta University (where he established the department of social work). He is the author of numerous writings, including Worlds of Color; Africa in Battle against Colonialism, Racialism, Imperialism ; and In Battle for Peace . Mack H. Jones is professor emeritus at Mississippi Valley State University. He has also taught at Clark Atlanta University, Southern University, Howard University, and Kentucky State University.


"Upon these falsifiers of Reconstruction history Dr. Du Bois has unloosed his brilliant and bitter eloquence. He has undertaken the herculean task of rewriting Reconstruction history on the basis of the unusual assumption (for an American historian) that "the Negro in America and in general is an average and ordinary human being, who under given environment develops like other human beings," as against the more orthodox view of the Negro as an inferior being "whose emancipation and enfranchisement were gestures against nature..." Dr. Du Bois is to be commended for attacking the subject with a broad perspective... The book should be widely read." --R. J. Bunche, The Journal of Negro Education "Dr. Du Bois has written a book that will necessitate further reply from the advocates of capitalism and white supremacy--if they have the courage to read Black Reconstruction ." --Rayford W. Logan, The Journal of Negro History "It is not surprising that the publication of this book should be hailed as a literary event... [In] a bitter political fight over the Negro's place in American society... Dr. Du Bois stood squarely and bravely for full educational opportunity and complete social and political equality." --Sterling D. Spero, The Nation

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