Biscuit, Cracker and Cookie Recipes for the Food Industry


Product Description
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Table of Contents

Classification of biscuits; Dough consistency; Baking techniques; Recipes for hard doughs; Recipes for short doughs; Recipes for extruded and deposited doughs; Recipes for sponge biscuits; Recipes for wafers; Recipes for secondary processes; Recipes for dietetic biscuits.

About the Author

Duncan Manley is an internationally recognised authority in the complex field of biscuit technology. During thirty years of experience in the biscuit, cookie and cracker industries, Manley has worked in eighty factories in over thirty countries; amassing a wealth of experience in development, production efficiency and training under widely varying conditions. He now runs his own company, Duncan Manley Ltd, which provides consultancy services to the biscuit and food industries.


"This is a must-read and must-study. You can't produce reject biscuits with this book." --Food and Beverage Reporter"A brilliant book, with excellent index and references." --Food and Beverage Reporter"This book is excellent and contains many superb tried and tested formulae; and more." --Food and Beverage Reporter

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