Beyond Listening


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Table of Contents

Introduction ~ Peter Moss, Alison Clark and Anne Trine Kjørholt; Documentation and assessment: what is the relationship? ~ Carlina Rinaldi; Ways of seeing: using the Mosaic approach to listen to young children's perspective ~ Alison Clark; Participant observation: a way to learn about children's perspectives ~ Hanne Warming; From children's point of view: methodological and ethical challenges ~ Brit Johanne Eide and Nina Winger; Channels for listening to young children and parents ~ Valerie Driscoll and Caron Rudge; Small voices ... powerful messages ~ Linda Kinney; Beyond listening: can assessment practice play a part? ~ Margaret Carr, Carolyn Jones and Wendy Lee; The competent child and 'the right to be oneself': reflections on children as fellow citizens in an early childhood centre ~ Anne Trine Kjørholt; Beyond listening: future prospects ~ Anne Trine Kjørholt, Peter Moss and Alison Clark.

About the Author

Alison Clark is Research Officer at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. Anne Trine KjOrholt is Associate Professor and Director of the Norwegian Centre for Child Research at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Norway. Peter Moss is Professor of Early Childhood Provision at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.


"Beyond Listening will be of great interest to a wide audience. It draws together theory and practice from an international perspective comprehensively and accessibly - a valuable contribution to raising the status of children's perspectives within early childhood services." Y. Penny Lancaster, Project Director, Listening to Young Children Training and Consultancy Service, Coram Family

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