Atomic and Quantum Physics


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction.- 2. The Mass and Size of the Atom.- 3. Isotopes.- 4. The Nucleus of the Atom.- 5. The Photon.- 6. The Electron.- 7. Some Basic Properties of Matter Waves.- 8. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom.- 9. The Mathematical Framework of Quantum Theory.- 10. Quantum Mechanics of the Hydrogen Atom.- 11. Lifting of the Orbital Degeneracy in the Spectra of Alkali Atoms.- 12. Orbital and Spin Magnetism. Fine Structure.- 13. Atoms in a Magnetic Field: Experiments and Their Semiclassical Description.- 14. Atoms in a Magnetic Field: Quantum Mechanical Treatment.- 15. Atoms in an Electric Field.- 16. General Laws of Optical Transitions.- 17. Many-Electron Atoms.- 18. X-Ray Spectra, Internal Shells.- 19. Structure of the Periodic System. Ground States of the Elements.- 20. Nuclear Spin, Hyperfine Structure.- 21. The Laser.- 22. Modern Methods of Optical Spectroscopy.- 23. Fundamentals of the Quantum Theory of Chemical Bonding.- A. The Dirac Delta Function and the Normalisation of the Wavefunction of a Free Particle in Unbounded Space.- B. Some Properties of the Hamiltonian Operator, Its Eigenfunctions and Its Eigenvalues.- Bibliography of Supplementary and Specialised Literature.- Fundamental Constants of Atomic Physics (Inside Front Cover).- Energy Conversion Table (Inside Back Cover).

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