Atom and Archetype


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Table of Contents

Chronologies of the Lives of C. G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli vii Lexicon of Terms in Psychology and Physics xvii Jung and Pauli: A Meeting of Rare Minds, by Beverley Zabriskie xxvii Translator's Note li Editorial Note, by James Donat lii Abbreviations liv Foreword, by C. A. Meier lvii The Correspondence 1 APPENDIXES 173 1: Pauli, Dream of 23 January 1938 175 2: Comments on Appendix 3 176 3: Unpublished Essay by Pauli 179 4: Two Letters from Pauli to H. R. Schwyzer 197 5: Letter from Max Knoll to Pauli Concerning UFOs 200 6: Two Lectures by Pauli at the Psychological Club of Zurich 203 7: Pauli's Observations on Cosmic Rays 210 8: Note by Jung on Synchronicity 211 9: Correspondence between Pauli and the C. G. Jung Institute 212 10: Articles on Parity Violation from The New York Times, January 16, 1957 218 11: Facsimiles of the Handwriting of Pauli and Jung 226 12: The Letters Listed in Chronological Order 229 BIBLIOGRAPHY 233 INDEX RERUM 241 INDEX OF TERMS 243

About the Author

C. A. Meier practiced psychiatry in Switzerland from 1936 until his death in 1995. A cofounder and first president of the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, he held the Chair of Honorary Professor of Psychology at the Swiss Federal Technical Institute and cofounded the Clinic and Research Center for Jungian Psychology. His many books include "Personality: The Individuation Process in the Light of C. G. Jung's Typology".


"This book is both a historical document and a treasure trove of ingenious speculation full of cleverness, frank intelligence, authoritative information about physics, cutting-edge psychology, and informed parallels from antiquity."--David Tresan, Journal of Analytical Psychology "This book reveals sides of both men that aren?t often found in the popular literature surrounding them... [D]elightful and very informative."--Vassi Toneva, Journal of Scientific Exploration "In early 1932 Pauli turned to Carl Jung, the already famous psychoanalyst, for help. Jung was thrilled by the opportunity to look into the subconscious of one of the world's most brilliant minds... The association lasted until Pauli's death in 1958."--Engelbert L. Schucking, Physics Today

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