Advanced Play Therapy


Product Description
Product Details

Table of Contents

History, Rationale and Purpose of Play. A Primer on Child Development. A Philosophy of Working with Children: The Child-centered Way. The Person, Knowledge, and Skills of the Play Therapist. Basics of Play Therapy. Limit Setting. Themes in Play Therapy. Progress and Termination. Parent Consultation. Aggression In and Out of the Playroom. Group Play Therapy. Play Therapy in the Schools. Play Therapy in Community Agencies and Private Practice. Supervision of Play Therapy. Evidentiary Research in Child-centered Play Therapy. Appendix: Child-centered Play Therapy Treatment Manual.

About the Author

Dee C. Ray, PhD, LCP-S, NCC, is Associate Professor in the Counseling Program and Director of the Child and Family Resource Clinic at the University of North Texas, USA.


"Ray has contributed something to the field of play therapy that fills a void: a quality text with a focus on advanced skills and understanding. I found the chapter on themes in play therapy and parent consultation particularly helpful to me as a play therapy instructor and supervisor. Practitioners, supervisors, instructors, and scholars will find this book to be valuable, informative, and enlightening." - Stephen A. Armstrong, Texas A&M University, USA"Ray has captured the essence of the child-centered approach to play therapy and has made it real, for both experienced practitioners and therapists who are new to the field. This extremely well-written book provides a much-needed depth of understanding of all aspects of child-centered play therapy (and it’s even fun to read!)." - Terry Kottman, The Encouragement Zone, Iowa "Advanced Play Therapy is a significant contribution to the play therapy literature, a rich resource with contents pertinent to a wide audience. It will make an exceptional text for advanced course work in university-based play therapy programs both nationally and internationally.... a comprehensive, well-edited and well-articulated resource for child practitioners in schools, private practice, community agencies and higher education." - Alyson L. Hatten, Counseling Today

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